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from 1.3¢ per minute

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Country Category Locality / Network Price
Iceland Landlines All 1.8¢
Mobiles Mobile Vodafone 6.6¢
Mobile SIMM 7.1¢
Mobile 10.4¢
India Landlines Fixed Ahmedabad, Fixed Andhra Pradesh, Fixed Bangalore, Fixed Bihar, Fixed Calcutta, Fixed Chennai, Fixed Delhi, Fixed Ernakulum, Fixed Gujarat, Fixed Haryana, Fixed Hyderabad, Fixed Jallandhar, Fixed Kerala, Fixed Mumbai, Fixed PunJab, Fixed Pune, Fixed Tamil Nadu 1.4¢
Fixed, Fixed Himachal Pradesh, Fixed Karnataka, Fixed Madhya Pradesh, Fixed Maharashtra, Fixed Orissa, Fixed Rajasthan, Fixed Uttar Pradesh, Fixed West Bengal 1.5¢
Fixed ROI A, Fixed ROI B, Fixed ROI C 1.6¢
Mobiles Mobile, Mobile AirTel, Mobile Aircel, Mobile Reliace, Mobile TATA Idocom, Mobile Tata Docomo, Mobile Vodafoe 1.3¢
Mobile BSNL A 1.4¢
Mobile BSNL B 1.5¢
Indonesia Landlines Fixed Jakarta 2.8¢
Fixed Suburaya 3.7¢
Fixed Batam, Fixed Bogor, Fixed Malang, Fixed Medan 4.6¢
Fixed Denpasar 5.7¢
Fixed Bandung, Fixed Makassar 5.9¢
Fixed Balikpapan, Fixed Bandarlampung, Fixed Banjarmasin, Fixed Blitar, Fixed Cirebon, Fixed Jambi, Fixed Jember, Fixed Madiun, Fixed Manado, Fixed Mojokerto, Fixed Padang, Fixed Palembang, Fixed Pasuruan, Fixed Pekanbaru, Fixed Pontianak, Fixed Semarang, Fixed Solo, Fixed Yogyakarta 6.9¢
Fixed 7.2¢
Mobiles Mobile Excelcom, Mobile Idosat 7.2¢
Mobile Telkomsel 7.3¢
Mobile 7.7¢
International Networks Landlines Voxbone iNum 0.1¢
All other Landlines $9.03
Inmarsat BGAN, Inmarsat SNAC Mini-M $9.1
Inmarsat AERO SNAC-SKY, Inmarsat Atlantic Ocean-East A, Inmarsat Atlantic Ocean-East B, Inmarsat Atlantic Ocean-East C, Inmarsat Atlantic Ocean-East M, Inmarsat Atlantic Ocean-East MiniM, Inmarsat Atlantic Ocean-West A, Inmarsat Atlantic Ocean-West B, Inmarsat Atlantic Ocean-West C, Inmarsat Atlantic Ocean-West M, Inmarsat Atlantic Ocean-West MiniM, Inmarsat BGAN HSD, Inmarsat Indian Ocean A, Inmarsat Indian Ocean B, Inmarsat Indian Ocean C, Inmarsat Indian Ocean M, Inmarsat Indian Ocean Mini-M, Inmarsat Pacific Ocean B, Inmarsat Pacific Ocean C, Inmarsat Pacific Ocean M, Inmarsat Pacific Ocean Mini-M, Inmarsat SNAC A, Inmarsat SNAC A Data, Inmarsat SNAC B, Inmarsat SNAC B HSD, Inmarsat SNAC M, Inmarsat SNAC M4 HSD $10.4
Inmarsat Pacific Ocean A $14.3
Mobiles All $19.5
Personal All $1.45
Satellite Oair Satellite $1.45
Turaya Satellite $1.85
Iidium Satellite $4.59
Elipso Satellite, Esat Satellite, Gobal Networks Satellite, Gobalstar Satellite, IO Global Communications Satellite $6.5
Stellite 883-ROC-Fixed $7.9
Gruda Satellite $13
Iran Landlines Fixed Tehran 6.1¢
Fixed 6.2¢
Mobiles Mobile MTN, Mobile Taliya 7.1¢
Mobile 8.2¢
Iraq Landlines Fixed Sulaimaniya 6.2¢
Fixed Basra 8.7¢
Fixed Baghdad
Fixed, Fixed Diwaniah, Fixed Hilla, Fixed Karbala, Fixed Musel, Fixed Najaf, Fixed Samawa 9.3¢
Fixed Kurdistan 10¢
Mobiles Mobile Mobitel 11.4¢
Mobile Sanatel 11.5¢
Mobile Koektel 12.7¢
Mobile Asiacell, Mobile Oascom, Mobile Zain 13.1¢
Mobile 13.2¢
Special Services All $6.5
Ireland Landlines Fixed, Fixed Dublin, Fixed FOLO 0.9¢
Universal Access 15.9¢
Mobiles Mobile Vodafone 8.6¢
Mobile O2 8.7¢
Mobile Meteo 9.6¢
Mobile H3G 19.5¢
Mobile Tesco 26.1¢
Mobile 34.2¢
Premium All 11.5¢
Israel Landlines Fixed, Fixed Jerusalem 1.1¢
Palestine Fixed 17.2¢
Mobiles Mobile Cellcom, Mobile Mir, Mobile Orange
Mobile, Mobile Pelephone 3.1¢
Paletine Mobile Jawwal, Paletine Mobile Wataniya 19.9¢
Italy Landlines All
Mobiles Mobile 1.4¢
Mobile Wind 9.1¢
Mobile Tim, Mobile Vodafone 9.3¢
Mobile Noverca 10.1¢
Mobile H3G 11.1¢
Ivory Coast Landlines Fixed, Fixed Abidjan, Fixed MTN 22.6¢
Spacemob $1.152
Mobiles Mobile Oricel 15¢
Mobile Comium 15.5¢
Mobile Aircomm 17.5¢
Mobile Orange 29.4¢
Mobile Moo 31¢
Mobile MTN 31.2¢
Special Services All $6.5

Prices are shown in United States cents per minute. Calls are rounded up to the nearest minute.

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