Call rates / Argentina

Cheap calls to Argentina from just 0.7¢ per minute with no contracts or hidden charges. Phone for less with Evaphone signup now and your first call is free!

Category Locality / Network Price
Landlines Fixed Buenos Aires 0.7¢
Fixed La Plata, Fixed Mendoza 0.9¢
Fixed Bahia Blanca, Fixed Cordoba, Fixed Mar Del Plata, Fixed Santa Fe
Fixed Arguello, Fixed Campana, Fixed Junin, Fixed La Pampa, Fixed Moreno, Fixed Neuquen, Fixed Parana, Fixed Rio Cuarto, Fixed Rio Tercero, Fixed Rosario, Fixed San Juan, Fixed San Lorenzo, Fixed San Pedro, Fixed Teodelina, Fixed Valle Fertil, Fixed Villa Carlos Paz, Fixed Villa Maria 1.1¢
Fixed Azcuenaga, Fixed Corrientes, Fixed Miramar, Fixed Pilar, Fixed Resistencia, Fixed San Nicolas 1.3¢
Fixed Tucuman 1.6¢
Fixed Casilda 2.2¢
Fixed La Falda, Fixed San Luis 2.9¢
Fixed Daireaux, Fixed Salta, Fixed Santa Rosa
Fixed Ushuaia, Fixed Villa Mercedes 3.2¢
Fixed, Fixed Posadas, Fixed San Martin de los Andes, Fixed Trenque Lauquen, Fixed Viedma, Fixed West Cuyo 3.9¢
Fixed Buenos Aires Province, Fixed Buenos Merlo, Fixed Concepcion, Fixed Concordia, Fixed Cordoba Province, Fixed Esquel, Fixed Formosa, Fixed North East NEA, Fixed North West NOA, Fixed Rafaela, Fixed Saenz Pena, Fixed Saenz Resistencia, Fixed San Francisco, Fixed South Patagonia, Fixed Trelew 4.1¢
Fixed C. Rivadavia, Fixed Catamarca, Fixed Jujuy, Fixed La Rioja, Fixed Olavarria, Fixed Rio Gallegos, Fixed San Rafael, Fixed Santa Fe Province, Fixed Sgo. del Estero 4.2¢
Fixed Bariloche 4.5¢
Fixed Bragado 4.6¢
Mobiles Mobile 16.5¢
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Evaphone offers you cheaper way than your Argentina calling card

Because there are no free hidden charges like connection fees or expensive access numbers in our calls to Argentina, Evaphone offers you cheaper way to call to Argentina than calling cards that may advertise a lower rate.

With our Direct Callback service you can call Argentina easier than ever. Just give us the number you are willing to call and you’ll get back a number that connects right to it from us. Add this number to your contacts in your phone and use it to make cheap calls to Argentina anytime you want.

Cheap VoIP calls to Argentina

Call Argentina from your computer using our Webphone and VoIP services. You can also get the same cheap rates to Argentina from anywhere in the world using a broadband Internet connection. This is the cheapest way to call to Argentina from your PC.

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India 1.3¢
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Pakistan 12¢
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Philippines 12.3¢
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